Welcome to our educational website Office Leasing USA. We have developed this site as an informational and educational resource for anyone who is interested in starting their first business in N.Y. or the United States and leasing commercial space in New York City or any large money-center city in the United States.
We believe that every tenant that is or has been leasing commercial space can benefit from this site, but we expect that it will be particularly useful for the first-time tenant, one who is restructuring or revamping a long-time leasing program and those tenants with multiple locations who would like to get a handle on reducing risk, liabilities and unnecessary hidden costs imbedded in the typical lease forms and bundled in the traditional phases of a leasing transaction.
Mr. Wood has been assisting cross-border clients and providing consulting services for over 30 years on "neutering the killer lease forms" and avoiding hidden unnecessary costs buried in those lease forms. On a typical transaction, if consulted prior to viewing space, visiting a broker or opening discussions with existing landlords, Mr. Wood has been consistently successful at assisting purchasers and tenants in achieving aggregate savings equal to or exceeding the first year fixed annual rental per square foot by reordering the traditional leasing transaction process, by obtaining higher levels of duties and services for the tenant, and by participating in the selection of professionals and negotiation for the candidate space. To learn more about Mr. Wood, click here. These savings have been achieved on leases ranging in size from 10,000 to 2,000,000 rentable square feet. Click here to view our Advisory Services.
By using the tabs at the left, you will learn about the history, structure and effect of the modern commercial lease, often called the "killer lease," and how this document, which came onto the commercial real estate scene in the 80s and has been cunningly refined ever since, can provide hidden traps for the unwary. You will also learn how during the leasing process to maximize the scope of services from professionals and obtain the levels of ethical duties and fidelity/loyalty often overlooked or not understood by the typical tenant. The site (including the links to various resources) has been designed to provide the prospective tenant with an understanding of how its commercial lease can affect its business - including issues of ownership, growth and exit strategy. The site is also designed to provide the prospective tenant with enough information to understand the nature and potential effect of the multiplicity of issues involved in a commercial lease, as well as a methodology for effectively addressing those issues and avoiding the well-hidden traps and unnecessary costs.
This site is sponsored by John B. Wood, Esq., who was named by The Wall Street Journal as "the father of the modern killer lease." To learn more about Mr. Wood, click here Please do not rely on this informational web site; consult the appropriate professional for advice.
New York City Commercial Leasing center, Leasing commercial space & real estate.